So I was recently at going through a drive thru (or is is through?) of a local fast food establish- ment and as I approach the window I start to hear a clank-clank-clank-clank sound coming my car.
I turn the radio down, roll down the windows, and the sound is just that much more audible.
Let's give a little back story: My car is less than 8 months old. There's no way it should be making anything other than typical car sounds. Nothing should be wrong at this point in my cars lifespan.
So I'm panicking. All I wanted was my two tacos for 99 cents but now I've got much bigger worries. My new car is f#*ked up and I don't know why.
I get my food, exit the drive-thru lane and suddenly the sound goes away. The engine sounds fine. So what the hell was that noise? Do I have a problem; need to take my car in?
I circle back around the parking lot one more time just to make sure my ears weren't deceiving me and that the sound truly was gone.
That's when I hear it. The clank-clank-clank-clank-clank. But it wasn't coming from my car, it was coming from the car behind mine in the lane that was now receiving their delicious meal.
Phew. I could now enjoy my food and my night was saved.
You gotta love averted disasters.
Technically you did not avert disaster. To avert diasaster, a disaster must be imenent, and some sort of action must be taken to avoid it. Falsely thinking that your car was broken when it was really the car next to you might be a relief, but averting disaster it is not. There was no disaster, therefore no action taken. You simply realized you were listening to the wrong car.
Yeah, yeah.
Valid point.
I'm not editing it now though.
Otherwise your anonymous comment would make no sense.
I truly just enjoy your writing!
hahaha, sorry, that sounds like something I would do.
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