The To-Go Box (originally published on MySpace June 1, 2007)
Often times when I attend a sit-down restaurant I do not finish my entire meal due mostly in part the massive quantities of food I am served.
When my waitress comes for the second to last time to bring me the check she also asks me the most difficult question I have to answer during the whole dining experience.
"Would you like a to-go box for the rest of that?"
Most people probably answer with a quick yes or no answer, but it is much more complicated than that for me.
The to-go box requires me to do so many things and it's such a burden that, more often than not, I am not willing to bear.
Once I commit to the to-go box I have committed to:
-remembering to take the to-go box home
-remembering to take the to-go box out of my car and into my home
-putting the to-go box in the refrigerator
-remembering in the near future that when I'm hungry, the to-go box is waiting for me
-reheating the food inside the to-go box
-and finally, eating whatever little remains of the food I ate 24-72 hours ago.
9 times out of 10 the reheated meal doesn't taste anywhere close to the satisfaction you felt at the restaurant and just the look of the cold food as you take it out of the fridge before you put it in the microwave is enough to make you want to throw it out right there.
Speaking of throwing it out, I would say this is actually what happens to the majority of to-go boxes I've encountered. Take yesterday afternoon for example:
I have a delicious meal at California Pizza Kitchen (CPK). The waitress was cute, the food was yummy, I had great conversation with my friends while dining. All was well until I accepted the to-go box. The lunch time to-go box is the worst kind of them all because it adds 2 more steps to the whole process: Refrigerating at work, and remembering it's in there when you leave work.
Yesterday I did neither.
When I came in this morning, my CPK pizza was still there, waiting for me, on my desk, as cold and clammy as ever. The fate of the food and the to-go box that bore it was bleak my friends. As I type this now it is in my trash can waiting to begin its slow journey that is decomposition.
So what's the point you may ask?
The point is, to me, the to-go box is more trouble than it's worth. For me the chance of the food inside it ever reaching my lips again is about the same odds as me winning the lottery. It's not only a hassle for the waitress to bring it to you, but takes up space in your fridge, and most likely will just be tossed out like the trash it is in 3 days.
So next time you're asked if you want to take the rest of that home with you ask your self: Is it really worth it?